Now I talk about alot of people but here are some of my closest family and friends. Enjoy.
These are my parents! They are super goofy!
Dad is always there for life advice and for a laugh!
Mom is always there for relationship advice and to be my best girlfriend!
This is my brother Drew! He is hilarious, quick-witted and good at anything athletic.
He is way stronger than me and much better at comebacks.
It's a lose lose situation on my end.
This is my brother Grant! He is super funny, talkative, and amazing at trombone,
He can beat me in almost anything academic wise and especially the French language.
(he helps me with my college homework)
This is my neighbor Grant!
He is one of my oldest slash closest friends and the only one who can put up with me.
He also shot me with a potato cannon which was awesome!!
This is Logan! He is my best friend!!!
He and I do almost everything together. He knows me better than I know myself.
He is super smart, hilarious, and my teacher in the art of zombie killing.
This is Zara! She is one of my best girlfriends. She is an amazing photographer, and great with kids.
She is the one I run to for help and the most caring and patient person I have ever met.
She cracks me up and gives wonderful advice and goes shopping in Newark with me!!
This is Rachel! She is my other best girlfriend!
She is also an amazing photographer and one of the goofiest people ever.
She is open to anything and is awesome to talk about deep things with.
This is my boyfriend Chris!
He is super outdoorsy and loves to do anything that gives you an adrenaline rush.
He is super goofy, hilarious, and always smiling.
He pushes me to try new things and helps me not fall off cliffs.
This is Erin and Sam! They are my two best girlfriends at school!
They both are so funny its hard to not pee your pants from laughing!
They also keep me grounded in my faith and are always there to put a smile on my face and remind me I'm loved!
All these people have made me who I am today! I love them all because of it and I would not trade them for the world! <3
Now, Christmas has just passed. This makes it okay for me to now sarcastically comment on traditions slash Christmas music without being put on Santa’s naughty list (everyone knows that Santa is on vacation for the few weeks after Christmas so you can pretty much do whatever you want without fear of losing presents)
Christmas has many traditions that seem normal when barely thinking about them. But, if you take a closer look at the elements of Christmas, our traditions are very strange and often times incredibly creepy.
Lets start off simple. Santa. Obviously a clear-cut case of breaking and entering. And for some reason everyone is quite all right with a large man breaking into their house, not only do we ignore this fact, but we embrace it. I mean goodness, we feed him and his mode of transportation (or maybe it’s only my family that put out carrots for the flying deer) I don’t know but I feel as though we should not be rewarding this behavior. But this is not as much of an annoyance to me as Christmas music.
I work at a coffee house year round. So immediately on Thanksgiving that horrid music is turned on. Not only is it around the house, but in the car, in stores, and even in the musical seasonal decorations that are put out.
Now this music is not normal music that is tolerable. It is small children singing in an obnoxious manner about candy canes and snow. There are also only ten songs that are well known and each song has about a million and one spin offs. In my humble opinion, this is what leads to the excess alcohol sales during the season. I mean really, they were all made during the 40’s, no one rides in sleighs anymore, and children shouldn’t be so perky about Mom cheating with Santa. Also Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is a weird film. I saw it for the first time this year and I have so many questions. Why is the elf a dentist? Why does the lion have a crown and WINGS?! And why do they hire the scary yeti to put a light on the Christmas tree? They are paying a Yeti year round to do a job that is easily done with a ladder and only takes 2 seconds. Just saying.
Sitting on Santa’s lap. A tradition in my family. This was fine and dandy…. when I was 5. Nowadays sitting on a large strangers lap while he puts his arm around me and asks me if I’ve “been a good girl this year” just seems creepy. I don’t even sit on my boyfriends lap let alone an old man who usually seems much more cheery than he should be. (I sat on a girls lap one time and broke her wrist- ya I know, skill.)
Off to chop down the tree. I have no clue who started this tradition. But in my mind it is one of the most ridiculous. To me, plants… (Wait for it)…….. Should be outside. A new idea, I know! But the fact that everyone gets to be a woodsman I guess is kinda cool. But I still feel the tree should be outside. Santa knows where to put the goods, and I mean if not, what’s the harm? I mean he already puts paper wrapped things, hanging from cotton socks, dangerously close to the fire. Also! I am allergic to trees. VERY ALLERGIC. So having a tree in the house literally makes me sick along with the fact that when I touch the tree I break out in a rash. My dog also usually drinks the tree water that makes her violently ill for most of Christmas week. Aka Barf EVERYWHERE.
This may sound like a rant to you. But I love Christmas. Some of it is just very quirky to me. But I have many things I love. I LOVE giving gifts. I don’t care if I get any I just love giving them. I also love driving in the car with my family eating doughnuts and watching the light decorations. My family also used to cut down our tree and when it was almost cut my brothers and I would lie on the ground and my Dad would yell timber as he dropped our tree on us. I love our Christmas card (it’s a collage of pictures of the years happenings). I love making monkey balls (monkey bread to the rest of the world) and eating the whole thing on Christmas morning. I love singing Happy Birthday to baby Jesus. I love setting up the Raggedy Ann collection with my Mom. And I love the cheer and love that is everywhere.
And even though traditions are weird and I am a scrooge about the seasonal music, I love Christmas and being with my family and everyone I love. So it may be a bit late but, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more. ~Dr Seuss
Three phrases that sum up Christmas are: Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men, and Batteries not Included
I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included. ~Bernard Manning
I took my first exam today. And tomorrow I have another. But at the moment my brain feels like mush. So I feel like talking about mush and things that are mushy.
1.Mud in your shoes
2.Old tomatoes
3.John Travolta’s abs
4.Soggy bread
5.Overcooked veggies
7.Internal organs
8.Your brain on drugs
10.Sappy valentines day poems
Also apparently these things are mushy too:
Now. I have not poked this cat. So it is yet to be determined the capacity of its mushyness.
All I have to say on this one is that I have no clue what the triangle tramp stamp is, BUT his pants are indeed falling down. Come on boyo, I can clearly see belt loops. Lets hike them suckers up a bit higher.
This also came up under mushy. Ummmmm.... something is seriously wrong with this child. Someone needs to be alerted so they can help him. He has a severe form of donkey face.
This is not mushy. Just really disturbing. I think I need to have another post about this body builder epidemic we have in America. It's becoming a serious issue that can no longer be ignored.
THERE WE GO!!!!! MUSHY!!! It's baby food for grown ups!!!
Or those peas are food for this guy. He obviously would eat those peas. But this old man is super cool. I wish my bottom lip covered my whole face. I would pull that one out at parties all the time. "Hey Guys! Look what I can do!" *everyone screams in horror, small children cry*
Ya, I would be a hit.
She looks Amish. He is in serious need of a hairbrush. But they love subway! So all is good. No worries. Still unsure why this came up under mushy.
And there ya have it kids! A post about nothing because my brain is nothing!
P.S. The Scorpian King's music in the movie is way too mushy for an action flick.
Quote to end this:
Of course there's a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don't take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates...
I don’t know if everyone here is aware but the newest AMC show “The Walking Dead” premiered Halloween night and I, along with my horde of friends, were sitting in our dorms watching wide eyed. This arose a question for me: Why is everyone so unprepared?! Did we not see this coming?! Are there not hundreds of zombie movies and books warning us of the apocalypse?! (My favorite of which is I decided that this is an urgent matter that needs discussed immediately so your brains don’t get chewed out.
Now I know that the popular culture is into vampires slash Twilight. But zombies are much better. And just saying, Twilight sucks. Zombies and vampires both have some things in common though so I think a compare and contrast is in order.
-Both want a relationship with humans. (Vampires want to fall in love and Zombies are in love with your vital organs) -Both are hungry. (Vampires want a sip from your neck with the exception of Twilight, and Zombies prefer brain soup) -Both have a unique fashion sense. (Vampires have dandruff of glitter and capes, Zombies have various limbs missing and blood stained clothes) -And lastly both are at the forefront of media today (Vampires are preteen porn and Zombies are in the adult action slash horror genre)
Now all you vampire people, grow up, get real. Zombies are for adults and more likely to eat you. Vampires just drown you in glitter; you can get the same thing at a strip club. Now, time to talk seriously on how to survive, and facts you may not know about zombies. For this I have consulted my best friend and zombie expert, Logan, who is helping me shed some light on this gruesome topic.
How to spot a zombie: -Grey slash pale skin -Wound that doesn’t stop bleeding -Visual signs of decay -Smells horrid -“Empty” eyes -And lastly the distinct call of “BRAAAIIINNNSSS” (Also please note: If anyone you know starts biting you or ripping your flesh, this is also a vital indication of the undead. Best to kill them and ask questions later)
Speed of a zombie: -There are two speeds for zombies (much like those old lawn mowers that have the speed of ‘turtle’ and ‘rabbit’) +Turtle speed- zombie is traveling at a slow ‘shamble’, in other words if you walk at a normal slash fast pace you can out walk them +Rabbit speed- zombie is pumped full of adrenaline, aka supa fast! My best tip on this one is to run faster than humanly possible
How to treat the infected: - Homeopathic remedies +There are none. + But homeopathic means natural, so a natural way to treat infected would be the injuring of the brain via rock, stick, or large mammal. - There is no cure. Plain. Simple.
How to kill a zombie: -Destroy the brain or remove the head
What to do if your friend is infected: - Take no chances, kill them immediately and dispose of the body away from your hideout - Be sure to cut all emotional ties beforehand so that this is not a painful process FOR EXAMPLE: If my one of best friends, lets say Zara, becomes a zombie. Even though she means the world to me, I would be forced to view her no longer as my friend but as a creature wanting to eat my raw, bloody flesh (Side note: This would be a very noticeable change in her character because she is a vegan, and eating raw human flesh is usually looked down upon by the vegan community). So I would have to destroy her lovely brain. (I would most likely use a chainsaw because I would want to make her death as epic as possible)
{If you click on Zara's name you will see her blog and realize what a shame it would be if I would be forced to destroy her very intelligent brain}
What to do if you’re infected: -Gather useful tools and weapons and give them to other survivors -Dispatch yourself
Safest spot: - High ground with land for farming and source of clean water. -Be sure to have an escape route (Side note: Logan believes “castles are pretty wicked”. Translation: A castle may be useful for such survival purposes)
Optimal weapons: -Melee weapons (these are the most efficient due to the fact that they will not run out of ammo) *take precautions- zombie splatter could infect you* +Katana- most efficient killing tool +Shaolin Spade- Pole arm works as weapon and shovel +Crowbar- heavy and blunt, good for brain smashing, also efficient for opening stuff +Other blunt objects such as bats, guitars, croquet sticks are also useful -Firearms (Accuracy > Rate of fire) +Bolt-action and semi-automatic are ideal + High caliber machine guns are also handy on the occasional killing spree
Also watching the movie Zombieland may give you some more helpful rules of survival.
Now, I hope everyone is educated enough to now defend themselves against a zombie uprising. And with that I leave you with this:
Little Rock: [playing Monopoly] Oh, free parking. Wichita: Which, coincidentally, is the best thing about Zombieland. Columbus: No, the best thing about Z-land, no Facebook status updates. You know, "Rob Curtis is gearing up for Friday." Who cares? Tallahassee: The best thing is no more flushing. Epic.
I was talking to one of my best friends the other day; she had just started a blog and had said some deep important things that opened my mind about ideas in life. So, since she has opened my mind, I thought I could bless you all with the same insight.
I know blogs are for weird people who have nothing better to do with their time and just want their thoughts thrown into cyberspace where the immense nothingness can listen to them. Well, that’s me. So cyberspace, sit down, listen to me, and LOVE ME!
I decided to name my blog “Going Commando,” and to tell you the truth; it’s not for any deep thoughtful reason that has an emotional story behind it. It is simply fact. Underwear is the enemy. They all have a conspiracy against me; I try to keep my underwear happy. I do everything within my power: they have their own box, get washed regularly, and are respectfully disposed of when their time comes to leave my closet permanently. But they all tend to just give me a wedgie constantly. My friend Dani was so surprised when she learned I did not wear thongs. She tried convincing me how comfy they are and the wonders of having no lines. But see, I view butt floss as a sadistic form of torture. Hence, I refuse. I wear normal Victoria’s Secret underwear, bikini slash boy shorts to be exact. These I have found to be the nicest to my rear. But when I want to be most comfortable and at any time of the day when my underwear starts a coup d’état, I go to the bathroom, and take them off. In other words, going commando. Then, and only then, am I in my most comfortable state. And that is what this blog is.
I am going to talk about random things, and be comfortable and say what I think. It will not be deep, thoughtful, or in anyway bright. But this is me, telling you the randomness of me.
Now. Who am I? I am a female, soon to be twenty, public college student. My school is one of the biggest party schools in the nation. Which actually is not as big of an honor as most college students tend to think. It just means that normal things like the movies are not attended on weekends. You are more likely to see someone peeing in an alley than attending the newest and greatest film masterpiece. I am a random girl who hangs out with mostly guys and does guys things, like video games and zombie movies. But besides that I’m your average girl.
Now, because I am one of those kind of people who needs closure. (Also next post I am defiantly thinking I need to warn you all about zombies, because not enough people are zombie-aware, know the speed of a zombie, homeopathic remedies to zombie bites, and tips to keep your best friend from infecting you)
But here is my closure, a quote from Zombieland:
Tallahassee: I'm not great at farewells, so uh... that'll do, pig.
Columbus: That's the worst goodbye I've ever heard. And you stole it from a movie.