Sunday, October 31, 2010

Intro slash Important Pressing Matters

I was talking to one of my best friends the other day; she had just started a blog and had said some deep important things that opened my mind about ideas in life. So, since she has opened my mind, I thought I could bless you all with the same insight.

I know blogs are for weird people who have nothing better to do with their time and just want their thoughts thrown into cyberspace where the immense nothingness can listen to them.  Well, that’s me. So cyberspace, sit down, listen to me, and LOVE ME!

I decided to name my blog “Going Commando,” and to tell you the truth; it’s not for any deep thoughtful reason that has an emotional story behind it. It is simply fact. Underwear is the enemy. They all have a conspiracy against me; I try to keep my underwear happy. I do everything within my power: they have their own box, get washed regularly, and are respectfully disposed of when their time comes to leave my closet permanently. But they all tend to just give me a wedgie constantly. My friend Dani was so surprised when she learned I did not wear thongs. She tried convincing me how comfy they are and the wonders of having no lines. But see, I view butt floss as a sadistic form of torture. Hence, I refuse. I wear normal Victoria’s Secret underwear, bikini slash boy shorts to be exact. These I have found to be the nicest to my rear. But when I want to be most comfortable and at any time of the day when my underwear starts a coup d’état, I go to the bathroom, and take them off. In other words, going commando. Then, and only then, am I in my most comfortable state. And that is what this blog is.

I am going to talk about random things, and be comfortable and say what I think. It will not be deep, thoughtful, or in anyway bright. But this is me, telling you the randomness of me.

Now. Who am I? I am a female, soon to be twenty, public college student. My school is one of the biggest party schools in the nation. Which actually is not as big of an honor as most college students tend to think. It just means that normal things like the movies are not attended on weekends. You are more likely to see someone peeing in an alley than attending the newest and greatest film masterpiece. I am a random girl who hangs out with mostly guys and does guys things, like video games and zombie movies.  But besides that I’m your average girl.

Now, because I am one of those kind of people who needs closure.  (Also next post I am defiantly thinking I need to warn you all about zombies, because not enough people are zombie-aware, know the speed of a zombie, homeopathic remedies to zombie bites, and tips to keep your best friend from infecting you)

But here is my closure, a quote from Zombieland:
Tallahassee: I'm not great at farewells, so uh... that'll do, pig.
Columbus: That's the worst goodbye I've ever heard. And you stole it from a movie.

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